honda element k24 parts and sensors location master list

Honda Element Part and Sensor Locations

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X: A/C compressor
Y: Water Pump
Z: Auto Tensioner Pulley
1: Auto Tensioner
2: A/C compressor harness
3: Passenger side engine mounting bracket
4: Charge harness
5: Intake manifold
6: Thermostat housing
7: Engine harness to Charge harness connectors
8: Engine harness to Charge harness connectors
9: Battery ground
10: Clutch Slave Cylinder
11: Starter bendix
12: Starter
13: Power Harness for Alternator
14: ******* bolt hole
15: Knock Sensor (it is just behind the manifold support on the block)
16: IAC (idle air controller)
17: TB heater line
18: TPS
19: engine harness
20: Brake Booster Vacuum line
21: engine harness
22: IAT, wire and connector
23: Shifter assembly
24: Shifter Cables connection
25: Front transmission mount bolt
26: Front transmission mount bolt
27: Front transmission mount bolt
28: EVAP solenoid
29: EVAP Test Port
30: Valve Cover breather heating assembly
31: Throttle body (opening for air intake)
32: Coolant line (throttle Body)
33: Bolt
34: Driver’s-side transmission mount bolt
35: Transmission Vent
36: Reverse switch
37: Coolant Outlet
38: AAV & line (Air Assist Valve)
39: Fuel line
40: Fuel Pulse Damper
41: Fuel rail
42: Fuel injector wiring loom
43: Injector #1
44: Injector #2
45: Injector #3
46: Injector #4
47: Engine oil filler cap
48: Engine oil dipstick

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Honda Element Part and Sensor Locations

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A: Coolant outlet /inlet to heater
B: Vehicle Speed Sensor, or VSS
C: Clutch line
D: Tranny ground
E: Main engine harness
F: Oil Filter
G: Coolant drain bolt
H: Oil pressure sender
I: Crank Position Sensor
J: Part of Oil Cooler
K: Another part of Oil Cooler
L: Crank pulley
M: Vtec Solenoid
N: VTEC oil pressure sensor
O: brake booster line
P: Evap control valve hardline. 
Q: VTC oil control solenoid valve
R: Vin plate
S: Exhaust manifold heat shield
T: Header
U: Charge harness
V: Tranny bracket

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Honda Element Part and Sensor Locations

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H: Oil pressure sender
I: Crank Position Sensor
J: Part of Oil Cooler
K: Another part of Oil Cooler
L: Crank pulley
M: VTEC Solenoid
N: VTEC oil pressure sensor
Q: VTC oil control solenoid valve
W: Alternator
X: A/C compressor
Y: Water Pump
Z: Auto Tensioner Pulley
1: Auto Tensioner
2: A/C compressor harness
3: Passenger side engine mounting bracket

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** Full credit of this article and images goes to RideAmong of the ClubRSX forum and you can find the original page here with part numbers that I did not include in this article. 

Join our Facebook Group if you have any questions! 

Technical Resources

Honda Element Technical Service Bulletins

Over the years Honda has released a number of TSB's to help Honda technicians repair common problems. We got our hands on them and they are all presented here to help you fix some of these common issues at home.


Honda Element Service Manual

The ultimate guide for servicing your Honda Element. This manual will show you everything you need to know about servicing your Honda Element, from oil changes to torque specs. It also provides helpful tips to maintain your Element.


Honda Element Diagnostic Code Meanings

Full list of all of the possible OBD2 code readings that can occur when that pesky check engine light illuminates. These can give you a start to help you diagnose your Element. Code Reader Link also provided if you want to own your own reader.

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