honda element camper

Element Owners Club Sleeping/Storage Platforms 



The Following is an except from : Element Owners Club  Via User: Ramblerdan

Tailgate to front (over reclined front seats)

Shaped 2×4 and plywood with PVC legs (convertible, can be used with front seats upright), by BikeZen

Plywood and pine with pipe legs, by NismoGriff

1×2, plywood, table legs, and PVC by Inmyelemet

Modular, 3/4″ plywood and 2x3s, finished with foam and custom cover, by Tseydel

2x4s, 3/4″ plywood, and PVC (based on Bike Zen’s) by E:ndiana

Plywood and steel pipe, by Dirkbeaulieu

2x4s, plywood, and PVC, by Vermonter

Modular, wood and PVC, by Tedsti

Tailgate to back of front seats

PVC pipe, by Pookster [plans]

2×4 and pine, by Will_morgan

Pine box frame and particleboard with metal crosspiece, by Gaily

Variation on Gaily’s, with extension for open tailgate, by Ramblerdan

1×4 and plywood with PVC legs, by Twilightzero

1×4 and plywood with iron pipe legs, by Sarahp

Plywood with pipe legs, with extension over fully reclined rear seats, by TCW

2×2 and plywood, with commercial table for back end, by Jojo

2×4 and plywood with iron pipe legs, by Eventure

PVC frame and plywood, half- or full-width, by Strawintogold

PVC frame and plywood, variation on the PookSter platform, by Lefty

PVC frame by Nbpguy

PVC and plywood, by Zinguy

2×4, plywood, and steel pipe, shallow (8 1/2″ rear, 11″ front) to allow access to the rear side storage areas, by Soulcall

Pine board and plywood with iron pipe legs and hinged front section, by Sandiegotaylor

2x4s, 3/4″ plywood, piano hinge and table legs, by Neilp

Steel cage, by Pokeyzilla

Bi-level, plywood and 2x6s, by Mikem

Wood box frame, with extensions, by Rodsnhawgs

Plywood, modular, by BlakeVW

3/4″ plywood, modular (similar to BlakeVW’s), by Bentanks

Wood slats, with some metal parts, by Nubsy1

Modular, plywood and 2×4, by Benlavallee

Longitudinally folding (half or full width) 2×4 and 1×4 pine, can be used outside the vehicle as a bench, by Plankwalk

Metal drawer baskets and plywood, by Elefante

Cot-style, folding, wood, by Nightrider

Wood with pipe legs, folds for storage or transport, by Twitchy411

Plywood, 2x4s and PVC, by Treybrad

All-plywood with piano hinges and drawers, by CosmoSwiller [external site]

Aluminum square tube and Hurriguard-brand plastic panels, by Hot_Karl

Plywood, modular, by Hotelement

Wood, incorporates spare tire well, by Lambertdarr2 (view pictures in reverse order)

Tailgate to back of front seats, modular/convertible

1×3 and 2×2 wood, by CerealBox

PVC and cedar slats, by Ray Al

Plywood, by Night Hawk E Camper

Wood slats and PVC legs, based on CerealBox’s design, by BPD

Half width, with extension to dashboard on passenger’s side

1×4 and plywood with iron pipe legs, by Roadtriperic

1×3 and plywood, by MMs2011E (with video and link to external PDFs)

Half width, tailgate to back of front seat, modular/convertible

Hollow-core door with PVC legs, by Arm2008

Tailgate to top of reclined front-seat backs

1×4, pine, and angle iron, by Paulj

1×4 and plywood with iron pipe legs, by TheTimeTravelers

1×4 and plywood with iron pipe legs, by Rishio

Variation on Rishio’s, with extension for open tailgate, by AppleAficionado

Plywood and metal angle with Ikea legs, by Goofcat

Plywood with metal angle, by Flyazureair

Plywood with PVC legs, by Mehlhorn

Pine board with PVC legs, by Staisey

Plywood and PVC, modular (platform or just a shelf behind the rear seats), by BreE

Particleboard and PVC (longitudinally folding), by D.Cool

Wood and aluminum pipe, by Kcousins

Plywood & PVC, modular, by Jazz82482

Plywood with PVC legs and wood frame, carpeted, by M Silver [external link]

3/4-depth structure, laterally and longitudinally folding

PVC and plywood, by Dangerjack

Shelf/half platform combo

Plywood and rear seat bases, by MTBecamper77

I just want to leave you with another gem from YouTube is this Honda Element Camper video that really inspires me!

Technical Resources

Honda Element Technical Service Bulletins

Over the years Honda has released a number of TSB's to help Honda technicians repair common problems. We got our hands on them and they are all presented here to help you fix some of these common issues at home.


Honda Element Service Manual

The ultimate guide for servicing your Honda Element. This manual will show you everything you need to know about servicing your Honda Element, from oil changes to torque specs. It also provides helpful tips to maintain your Element.


Honda Element Diagnostic Code Meanings

Full list of all of the possible OBD2 code readings that can occur when that pesky check engine light illuminates. These can give you a start to help you diagnose your Element. Code Reader Link also provided if you want to own your own reader.

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